================================================================================ WELCOME TO HIDDEN IMAGE DEMO! 1 July 95 The Hidden Image Demo is a fully functional version of Hidden Image with the following exceptions: 1. File Saving is disabled 2. Only Images ditributed with the demo can be read. This demo is provided free of charge with no warranty implied or otherwise. There are two versions of the demo manual included HIMAN.TXT is a plain text file. HIMAN.DOC is a Microsoft's Word for Windows V6.0 document. These two files are an extract from our 190 page manual. It is highley recommended that the manual be read. To order Hidden Image please contact Sehgal Corporation: By Phone: (613) 794-1134 By FAX: (613) 837-3011 By E-Mail: sehgal@ncs.dnd.ca By Mail: 1776 Windflower Way Gloucester, ON Canada, K1C 5Y9 DOS 6.0 DOUBLESPACE WARNING We have encountered a minor and rare problem when using Hidden Image with DOS 6.0 doublespace. Doublespace provides only an estimate to the program of the amount of compressed disk space available. If this estimate is too high, and as a result Hidden Image tries to use more disk space than is actually available, the system can crash. We have contacted the supplier of our DOS extender to see if the problem can be corrected. Meanwhile, make sure you have more than enough RAM and disk space to run Hidden Image. It is also a good idea to run "chkdsk /f" or DOS 6.2's "SCANDISK" periodically, and if Hidden Image ever crashes. If you have plenty of space available, Hidden Image works just fine with doublespace. ACCESSING IMAGES ON FLOPPY DRIVES If you are using a floppy drive to load and store images, while the floppy drive is referenced in any Hidden Image file path dialog box it is important that the floppy drive not be empty (i.e., don't remove the floppy and not put in another). If any file path defined within Hidden Image makes reference to a floppy drive which is not ready, DOS will put a very faint message (in text mode) on the screen with the standard Abort, Retry, Fail? query. Hidden Image will display its busy icon as it is waiting for DOS to answer back. To solve this problem, put the floppy back in and press "R" for Retry. Change all path references to the floppy drive before quitting Hidden Image. In the case that you forgot to change the path refences to a floppy and exited Hidden Image, it is possible that Hidden Image will hang if it can't find the floppy the next time you try to run it. To get back into Hidden Image, first delete the HI.INI file. NOTE: Sehgal Corp. does not recommend running Hidden Image from shell programs such as MSDOS DOSSHELL etc. KNOWN BUGS: The mouse driven keyboard function will not work in the dialog box after the last iteration of a deconvolution run. ____________________________________________________________________________ END README.TXT